Saturday, 15 December 2012

Research report

Washing Machine Vandalism

          On the 22 of November, a mini survey was conducted during the tutorial class. The survey was conducted in LR6 at the time of 9.15pm. The participants consisted of 9 female and 18 male students. The participants were of different races and came from various parts of Malaysia. The question for the mini survey was, "Have you ever vandalized the washing machine in your dorm?". From the results obtained, it is found that approximately 30% of the participants admitted to have vandalized the washing machine, specifically, hacked the washing machine by using objects such as cotton buds. They do this sometimes for their own use or to help their friends to hack the machine. On the other hand, the remaining 70% claimed that they have never hacked the washing machine before. The main reason for this is because they think it is wrong to do so while other reasons were also given such as they enough 50 cents to use the washing machine. In my opinion, it is morally wrong to vandalize the washing machine. However, if in a really desperate situation, then it is acceptable. Still, it is not a habit that we should have because our religion teaches us not to cheat in our daily lives.

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