Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Causes and Effect essay

Illiteracy Among Children Around the Globe

         Illiteracy in simple word is letter less. By which means that someone who didn't know how to read and didn't familiar with alphabets. World nowadays, it is common scene to see that one part of world that is truly developed, with sky-crappers buildings, modern architecture, first class-minded people and so forth, while the other one part of the world that is barren,  isolated from development and unfortunately it is left far behind in education, with high percentage of illiteracy among its youngsters. These heart breaking scenarios are mainly because of inefficiency in educational management, lack in financial sources and less expertise available.

       Ultimately, the main cause of this serious problem is the inefficiency in educational management of the country. This means that the educational management of the country is very weak that leads to the percentage of ill iteration among its youngsters to rises. It can be prove when education system of the country is not for all, whereby it is only for some distinctive population of the country such as people that is so-called first-class citizen that have high salary and stable revenue, only then can have the education. Yes, it is unfair but that is the reality. This inefficiency educational management truly contribute to the development of ill iteration among its youngsters, without knowing how to write, count or even reads. Besides, the learning materials is hard to find as the sources of the materials is so limited and barely hard to find in the country. The government supposed to be more efficient in providing the learning materials for its youngsters as they are the one who are going to develop the country in the future. While the early education among its youngsters is crucial, one's should not take easy on it. If so, the effect of these scenario might turns out to be a very serious problem, to the future development of the country itself. 

        Besides, lack in financial sources also contributes to the causes of the dreadfully rises of illiteracy among children around the globe. This cause, is mainly due to each family that has low overall income per year. Thus, it is possible for them to go to school, having a formal education, teach by a formal-paid teacher when they are barely have money for food and daily livings. Furthermore, a well develop country always has a high living cost, that force it's citizen to earns more money for everyday living. Cost for everything must be higher than a non-develop country. These poor and country in poverty will always has a high percentage of illiteracy among its youngsters. This leads to various serious problem, to the country, to the development of the nation, and the development of the youngsters itself.

        Furthermore, cause that leads to the illiteracy also because of there is less expertise available in the country itself. There is no efficient type of learning besides incredible expertise to teach the youngsters in a formal-school way environment.This causes maybe mainly because of there is less educational institution available in the country. When there is less institution, fewer expertise will be produced in the country, that leads to less youngsters to be teach formal in the country, thus the illiteracy level increases among its youngsters. Plus, most illiteracy country have a low exposure towards the importance of education, whereby education is important to the future, while seems that they just know nothing, what is going to be their future? Most high percentage illiteracy country is almost at isolated and in-accessible area that causes the transportation and conveying the educational material and expertise become hard.

         As the conclusion, these causes can be avoided and solve increases the efficiency of the educational management by set-up a new committee, a special committee to overcome and to increase the efficiency thus lower the illiteracy rate. While giving the free education is one way of overcome this problem with financial problem and expertise available. Save the nation, love it's youngsters.  

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