Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Causes and Effect Essay


    It is undeniable that illiteracy among children is quite a hot topic to be debated nowadays. Literally, illiteracy means the inability to read, calculate or write. Based on a recent research by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in the year 2012, a majority of 98 percent of the well educated children around the globe live in developing and optimum resources countries. Hence, it is evident that the quality of life prove to be vital in order to hinder illiteracy among children. This unfortunate event occurred mainly due to poverty, war and pure laziness.

     Starting with the first point, the main cause for this issue to happen is due to poverty. Poverty can cause consequent lack of access to reading and writing materials. It is well known that countries such as Somalia and some African nations have to suffer from poverty due to the lack of resources. This cause the children to suffer from illiteracy as they would never understand the importance of education as they were not supported by either the government nor their parents to become educated. The remedy to this problem is that they must have support from well developed countries that have supplies to spare.

     Shifting to the second point, war is also an illustrious factor to trigger this problem. The live threatening battlefield imminent to their home's front's door prevent children from going to school as there is no reason for them to risk their lives. For instance, during World War II, children in England were forced to move to the countryside lacking schools as the battle taking place in the city. By the end of the war, many of the children return to the city illiterate. As obvious as it sound, the solution to this problem is by preventing war itself from occur or prolong any longer.

     Finally, last but not the least, children nowadays are very lazy and spoilt, thanks to the disadvantage of having technologies which mankind himself gained from being educated. They tend to have a very minimum efforts to open any books and read it. Plus, they are lazy enough to blind them from understanding the value of knowledge. This prove to be fatal as they have a tendency to become illiterates. Children nowadays should be instilled with discipline and better understanding of the value of knowledge as an evasive maneuver from illiteracy.

     As a summary, it is evident that illiteracy among children is a big issue triggered by poverty, war and pure laziness. This problem, if not be treated soon, may cause the downfall of the civilization of mankind in the near future. A well revised solution need to be executed with precision and efficiency in order to nip in the bud of this problem.

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