Sunday, 16 December 2012

Reseacrh Report

        On the 22 of November, a survey was done during a tutorial class. The venue of the survey is the LR6 at the time of 9.15pm. The participants consisted of 9 female and 18 male students which sum up the total of participant to 27 person involved. The participants were of different races and came from various parts of the World mainly from Malaysia. The question for the survey was simple as the question is "Have you ever wanted to kill someone you hate?". Out of 27 people, I discovered that a majority of 14 people would permanently end up their hatred by killing the person they hate. Among these 14 people, some decided to kill me for asking the question. Luckily, my name not in the paper or I would not be writing this report. Plus, some of them claimed that revenge is sweet. Hence, the murder. The other 10 decided not to kill the person they hate but resort to a very peaceful solution which is by forgiving them or understanding their reasons. A minority of 3 persons gave an indefinite answers. From this survey, I deduced that almost half of the participant of the survey would resort to violence by taking the life of the person they hate. In my opinion, it is wise to settle the hatred in a civilized manner. However, my statement before may become invalid if the person you hate threaten to end your life such as in the battlefield against your enemy. Still, why we need to take the live of other, especially from the same species, which is Homo Sapiens.

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