Saturday, 15 December 2012

Love Letter From Him

Dear my beloved one,

            How are you? I hope you are in the pink. Hey, such a long time right I did not write to you. Have you remembered the first time we met? When you are searching for your class but you can’t find it. Haha. Have you remembered the first time I be your Imam in the prayer in such a nice fair. Honestly I miss that moment, I miss the moment with you, I miss the moment do some work with you, I miss the moment when we share laugh. Sometimes we happy, sometimes we sad and sometimes many obstacles we faced together, make our relation became closer and closer. But, I know, I make a mistake, shouldn’t  be so rude to you. But..erm,enough...

            We start a new story, ok? Ok now I already work at research and development of Ikhwanul Muslimin Military. I also be one of the politician. After graduated, my day life is to help society, to help nation who in war like Palestin and Myanmar. Then, I also be the Ambassador of Malaysian Government at China. I don’t have time to think about love. Because what? I scare. I scare. I scare. I don’t want the history happen again. Because of that, I make myself busy with so many things because I don’t want, I don’t want to think about love again.

            Erm, how about you? I saw you in Masjid An-Nur during the convocation day. Wow! You look so pretty. Your face did not change. So easily I recognize you. Erm, I heard you are successful person now. Busy doing campaign for general election. Erm, I proud of you. Honestly, I proud of you. Hey, we are now at 35 years old right and more interestingly, you also did not marry yet. Haha..a chemistry there, erm, I think..erm, I think I still have feeling to you. What abut....Haha, erm, actually and honestly, I only for you my dear. I promise to myself that you are the only one. You are the only one my dear. You are my light in the dark. You are the angel of my life after Allah and Muhammad S.A.W. and my family. I know if we are together, I will make you happy, happy and happy than before. Erm, actually, that’s all.

Will you marry me??? <3 

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