Saturday, 15 December 2012

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect Essay

Illiteracy Among Children Around the Globe

            According to a research conducted by United Nation (UN) in the late of 2011, there is approximately 13 550 000 children who are illiteracy across the continents in the world. According to the 4th edition of Oxford English Dictionary, illiteracy means someone who cannot write, read and count. The following paragraphs will elaborate more on the main cause, effects and how to overcome the illiteracy among children.

            The main cause for this problem is lack of education facilities. When the research was done, the country where the illiteracy level is high did not have enough facilities for education. If there are facilities, the condition is very terrible and it is not suitable for the children to learn at there.  There is one place in Africa where there is no table or chair in the classroom and the children have to sit on the ground with full of dirt and dust. How can the children learn if the condition was like that? The children did not get the optimum surrounding to learn like the other children in the well developed country such as Malaysia, China and England.

            The effect for this problem is the country will never become a well-developed country due to the children who cannot read, write and count. These children are the one who will decide the future of the country whether it will become one step ahead or remain left behind with the other country. The country cannot produce a professional worker in huge number such as engineer, doctor or architect which is the basic need of a country in order to become a well-developed country.

            Among the possible solution for this problem is other country in the world or any organisation can raise fund to be given to the country where the illiteracy rate is high.  They can use that money to build school, a better classroom and other facilities. A part from that, other country also can gather a group of volunteer that consist of teachers or any people with education background who wants to help those kids with the illiteracy to be sent to the country that needs help. It does not mean when it comes to help, money is the first thing to be think of.  Manpower also can be considered as help which is a better than giving the money. There is no use if all the facilities are there but there is no one knows how to use the facilities.

            To sum up, illiteracy is a big problem which the main cause for this problem is lack of facilities for the children to learn. This will affect the country’s development and future and one of possible ways to overcome this problem is to raise fund to build the facilities and manpower to help the children.


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