Friday, 30 November 2012


Folio Contents
Content Page ( ex )                                
Content Page                                                                                                     01
Introduction                                                                                                       02
Acknowledgment                                                                                               03
The Hans Solo Group Logo                                                                               04
Newspaper Report: Students Died of Nasi Ayam                                               05
Opinion: Safety of Students In Campus At Risk                                                  07
Framework                                                                                                        09
Causes n Effect: The Main Causes of Student Failure                                          10
Framework                                                                                                        12
Argumentative: Doctor or Engineering ?                                                              13
Framework                                                                                                        15
Reflective: Studying Literature For Engineers                                                       16
Framework                                                                                                        18
Love Letter to My Mom                                                                                     19
Love Letter From Her                                                                                        20
International Buffalo Run Leaflet                                                                         21
Research on kisses                                                                                             22
Beancurd With Onion Cheese                                                                            23
Drama  Script: The Killing Scrabble                                                                    24
Poster: Key Locks and Opens Doors                                                                 26
Listening Tests                                                                                                    27
CALL Reports                                                                                                   28
Clarity                                                                                                                29

Introduction (ex)
                This class, English 1 (ENL 0014) is a 4 credit class which is divided into three parts, lecture, tutorial and CALL labs. Bla..bla..bla…..

Acknowledgment (ex)
                I would like to thank God for blessing me with His blessings to be here……

Group Logo

Blog Print-outs – writings, frameworks, newspaper report ( TITLES )
                Logo, Newspaper, Opinion, Causes n Effects, Argumentative, Reflective

Love Letter ( sent and reply )

Handouts – business , event

Report on research ( title )

Green Recipe ( name )

Drama  Script ( Title )

Summary of Poster Presentation ( Reflective )

Listening Test

CALL Reports ( 10 units minimum )

Clarity ( minimum of 5 pieces )



Group Leader
 - Hariz Ridzuan
Group Members
 - Danial Ashraff
 - Muhammad Hakimi
 - Joanne
 - Edryna

- Always on the Attack



Friday, 23 November 2012

18332 Mohamad Nabil Aidil Bin Mohamad

Good Financial For Better Education Among University Students

Ali, who is currently a Petronas scholar, scored 4.0 flat in his every exam, while Abu, a student with lack of money cannot even sudy very well. Ministry of Education stated that rom 10000 scholar students, 99 % of them excel in their studies while from 10000 students who lack of money, only 9% of them excel in their studies. There are three types of good financial for students such as in terms of useful items, health and social life.

There are several useful items that can be bought by students who have good financial. Firstly, one can buy home appliances for environment while studying. Next, one does not worry about the items price. Finally, one can buy presents for their loved ones.

Other than that, having a good financial can be vital in one’s health. For example, he or she can go to good doctors if having sickness. Undoubtly, the health can in a good way. Moreover, one can buy healthy foods to provide sufficient nutrients for the body and thus providing a good health.

Last but not least, one’s social life can be improved. As such, one can wear up-to-date clothes without worrying about the prices. Secondly, one can buy new gadgets and thus can avoid being shy using old items. Thirdly, one can gain more confidence when socializing with other people. This is because, he or she could wears the clothes with expensive brand and later can avoid being shy.

As the conclusion, a student with a lot of money can have a better education when using it wisely in buying important items for life, spend for good health and hygiene and for improving the communication with people. So , good financial is very important especially to those who are still studying. I hope that every students in Malaysia can become scholar

Newspaper Report by Nabil Aidil

PETRONAS Scholar became Millionaire

Tronoh, 21 Oct 2012 - Petronas Chairman, Mr Shamsul Azhar, has approved to raise the allowance of Utp's Petronas scholar from RM 500 to RM 1500 per month. Mr. Noor Rosli, UTP's deputy vice chancellor, has announced the good news to all the students.

One of the scholar, Afiko Kukuhilo, said that he wil make a good use of the new allowance such as buying books and other useful items. Mr. Shamsul Azhar hope that the scholar's performance in studying and other fields can improve and later can be a good employee for PETRONAS.








Opinion Essay


Why 90000 university students did committed suicide as reported by Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia in 2012? It is stated that university students being exposed by many things that can make them stressed up including students in UTP.  They were stressed up because of pack schedule, difficult subjects and a lot of assignments.

                UTP students having pack schedule every semester as they have to take more than 14 credit hours per semester. This results the students having approximately 20 hours class including tutorials every week. The time is inconvenient because sometimes the class continue without any break between two subject’s classes. That make the students may have less time to socialize and break which made them stress. Thus, pack schedule can lead UTP students to stress.

                Next, the subjects may be too difficult to understand by the students in a short time. Not all students can cope with the subjects. They need much time to understand the subject but they do not have time to study and understand it because of the pack schedule. Then, they cannot answer the quizzes and tests given which made them having low coursework mark. Hence, they will feel stress because of the low marks.

                Furthermore, UTP students having a lot of assignment also make them stress. Sometimes, lecturer will give too many assignment and then need to pass up to him on the same day with the other subject’s assignment. The students do not have much time to finish all the assignment given because need to pass up on same day. They will try to complete the assignment by stay up at night. Then, they have less time to sleep and rest which lead them to stress.

                In conclusion, stress among UTP students are caused by difficult subject, a lot of assignments and pack schedule. These problems need to be solved so we can reduce the number of students committed suicide.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Opinion essay

Opinion essay by Joannemarie Estelle Liew (18434)
Title: Drug-dealing Between University Students

          How many of us have heard of or even witnessed drug-dealing activities being done by the students inside the university campus? Statistics showed that 65% of those involved in drug-dealing activities are aged between 17 to 24 years old, specifically most of them are university students. Drug-dealing has become a very serious issue and legal actions must be made by both the government and also the university in order to overcome this problem.

          First of all, the government must direct attention towards what is happening in the universities as well instead of just focusing on primary and secondary level schools. The government's effort to raise awareness about drug-dealing should not be restricted to primary and secondary level schools only, but instead expand it to include the university students as well. For example, one form of effort that the government can do is to organize an awareness campaigns about drug-dealing within the university campus, whereby lots of beneficial activities such as talks can be conducted in order to raise awareness amongst the university students. Another effort suggested is that the government can encourage the university or the students there to form an anti-drug club or organize any events related to the mentioned issue by giving funds to them.

          Besides that, the university should reinforce the disciplinary rules in the campus grounds. By doing so, it will limit the students' freedom to do anything as they please. What can be done is that the university should perform sudden spot-checks in the students' hotels at a regular basis. If any drugs or illegal items are to be found, a strict punishment must be sentenced towards the offenders. Although this effort might seem bothersome not only to the university but as well as to the students, but this could be the first step in assuring the safety of the students within the campus grounds, and also to overcome drug-dealing problems in the university.

          Other than that, the university must also increase the security system in the university campus. This can be done by installing CCTVs and to have the security guards to patrol around the campus all the time, especially during night time. These steps will make sure that the university grounds are under constant watch, the students who are involved in drug-dealing might think twice before they attempt to do anything suspicious. Not only that, another thing the university can do is to enforce the rules regarding outside visitors. The security guards in charge should check the visitors' identification cards and their vehicles before letting them through into the campus. Only by enforcing such strict rules that drug-dealing between university students can be overcomed.

          To sum it all up, actions must be taken by both authorities to prevent this issue from getting worst. This is not only to decrease the crime rate, but also to ensure the well-being of the university students.

Newspaper report

Newspaper report by Joannemarie Estelle Liew (18434)
Title: UTP Student Arrested for Drug-dealing

UTP Student Arrested for Drug-dealing

Tronoh, 21 Oct. An undergraduate UTP student was arrested yesterday after being caught red-handed in drug-dealing. The offender, as stated by a UTP security guard, was unloading suspicious boxes from his car. When approached by the security guard, the offender was seemed to be in a state of panic. The offender assaulted the security guard during which the security guard attempted to open the boxes and escaped the crime scene. 

           A report was lodged immediately by the security guard's colleague to the local police station. The police managed to arrest the offender in his hostel room, apparently packing his things to make a run for. UTP lecturer, Mr. Sharvin Sigh, expressed his deepest concern upon the matter. He seemed to be very disappointed with the offender. "He was a good student, never in the world would I think he would be involved in drug-dealing," stated Mr. Sharvin. UTP Security Department officer, Mr. Tan Jyun said that they will reinforce new discipline rules upon this issue in hopes that this incident will not occur again.

Monday, 5 November 2012

NURATHIRAH BT KAMARUDIN (poor power generator system)


                                                    Poor Power Generator System

    Have you been in the black-out situation? There are many cases of black-out situation happens nowadays in the campus.Old,to many usage of electrical component and excessive uses of electricity are the causes of black-out by poor generator system.

    There are a few causes of poor power generator system.For example, old power system.The power system have been used for about 15 years.It can not generate power as usual because the component in the power system are old and need to be renew.

  Too much usage of a electrical component on one plaque can cause poor power generator system.Student usually use many electrical devices on one plaque.It can cause shock to the plaque.It also can damage the generator system.

  Excessive usage of electricity can also cause the poor power generator system.The fan and lamp foe example are usually use in excessive.This can cause the electric to be over flow toward the devices.Therefore , it can cause the black-out to the campus.

  In conclusion,the causes of the poor power generator system are old, too much usage of electricity.I hope this poor power generator system can be renew so that black-out will not be occur.

Opinion Essay
Food Hygiene Problems in Malaysia

            A student in University Malaya was reported to have a serious food poisoning and now he is lying in the Medical Centre of University Malaya. According to the Ministry of Health, 9465 cases were reported throughout the country regarding the food poisonous cases until September of 2012.  The following paragraphs will illustrate the main causes, effects and how to overcome the food poisonous problem in Malaysia.

            There are a few causes of food poisonous in Malaysia. One of the significant causes is the person himself didn’t take care of his or her personal hygiene when preparing or consuming the food. For example, the person did not wash hands with soap before processing the food. This thing usually happens to the people who are making food in a large quantity to supply it to the community. The person who is preparing the food for himself will take a good care of his hygiene to ensure their health. Next, the workers who have a skin ailment on his hands are allowed by the employers to work and process the food without considering the effects on the consumer health. As we can see, personal hygiene can be one of the causes to the food poisonous.

            Next, food poisoning can bring a lot of effects especially to the students in university. One of the effects is they cannot concentrate on their studies due to the feel of uncomfortable and pain in the stomach. As the result, they have to miss the lecturer and detained at the hospital in order to recover. They will miss the things teaches by the lecturer or even miss the test on that day. This will affect their final exam result in the future. Nevertheless, food poisonous will cause the students unable to concentrate on their studies.

            So, this problem should be overcome immediately. There are various ways to overcome this problem and one of them is the law enforcement. Food contractors and their workers should go through a detail medical check-up once in two months to ensure that they did not have or carry any diseases that contaminate the food thus leading to the food poisonous. Then, the contractors must buy the raw materials to prepare the food only from the approved dealer by the Minister of Health to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the raw material. In this way, the food poisonous can be overcome effectively.

            In conclusion, there are a lot of factors, impacts and ways to cope the food poisoning problems. It is hope that government can enforce the law to overcome the problem to ensure the health of the society.

Sunday, 4 November 2012


Dumped Rubbish At UTP’s Convofair.

Magnificently, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) celebrates its 10th convocation ceremony, last Sunday. UTP’s graduates across countries also around the globe arrived at UTP since Friday to attend the ceremony. In conjunction with the convocation ceremony, there was held a carnival or so-called ‘Convo Fair’ at the Oval Park, a beautiful landscape near the lake, for three consecutive days. People live around was warmly welcome to the fair. Sadly, after three days, it was found that the carnival’s site turns out to be a dumped rubbish area left by the visitors; with heavily distributed rubbish. UTP’s service management had to provide extra lorries and workers to collect the dumped rubbish. A special committee is set up to figure out the cause and effect of this issue, thus, find ways to avoid it from happens ever again.

                Undisputedly, the cause of this issue is mainly because of fewer bins provided at the carnival’s site. People visits the carnival was increasing over the day, with more rubbish produced or thrown away. Besides, the bins were located far from each other and isolated from the carnival’s main attraction site. Thus, most of the visitors, took an easy exit with seamlessly throwing rubbish at the ground. In addition, irregular collecting time of the rubbish also may become the cause of this issue. The rubbish collecting time is not organize and inefficient. This two causes, severely contributes to the root of this issue, without any doubt, any argue.
                Thus, with these two causes, it contributes to unpleasant effect. People littering, rubbish mount, coming out from the bins. The carnival was polluted. This issue lead the carnival to be a filthy place, gross scenery with rubbish everywhere. Cans, bottles, food wrap, leftovers can be found at the carnival’s site, on the ground, everywhere. It also become unpleasant sight for whoever comes to UTP’s compound as the carnival’s site is just besides UTP’s main entrance. Plus, not only the sight was disgusted, but also the smell of the area was disgusting either. This issue effect many people.

                This issue was really regretted by the management. To avoid this issue from repeating, a strict disciplinary action should be taken. For upcoming annual convocation ceremony, more bins will be placed at the carnival’s site. The bins will be located at the visitor’s main attraction at the carnival site such the booths, stalls and etc. on behalf of the management, they will re-schedule the rubbish collecting time to be more efficient and effective time table. Also, put up a remainder signboard to keep clean and together save the environment.

                In conclusion, littering is not cool. This issue will keep repeating if we did not take ought action, and overcome thus solve it. Save earth, think green. When there are causes and effect, there many ways to solve it. Be creative.

Opinion essay

By: Edryna Bt Mohd Fauzi(18482)

Transportation Service Helps Students Mobility

Timmy,a foundation student of UTP suffer a death risking disease,Anaemia,who died in his second semester of foundation year due to not having enough rest because  he cannot walk too much and he easily got tired and fainted.Transportation service in campus is really a need for students especially those who suffer a disease such as Timmy's case.There are 3 advantages of transportation service in campus which are time management,health and safety for students.

The first advantages of providing a transportation service in campus is it can help students in time management.Students tend to take more time to walk from class to class since the distance from class to class is quite far.With the help of transportation service within the campus,students will be able to reach their class on time and not missed the lectures given earlier.Moreover,students will be comfortable in class during the lectures since there are not in a rushing condition and without panting.

The second advantage of transportation service within the campus is health aspect.Students who suffered a disease will not be able to live a life like a normal person since they undergo some difficulties.These students need more attention than others and transportation service will help them through their study in campus since they may not have the full ability like normal person.Nevertheless,healthy is very important in one's life and precaution steps need to be taken to prevent any harm among students.

Safety aspect is the last advantage of the availability of transportation service in the campus.Students especially female are more secure and safe if using transportation service within the campus.Robbed cases in campus involving motorcyclist can be reduced.On the other hand,students can go to night classes without worrying about their safety since they are using transportation service provided by their university.

In conclusion,transportation service certainly helps students mobility in campus in terms of time management,health aspect and safety aspect of students.Therefore,university should consider in providing a transportation service within the campus to helps students mobility through their years in university.

Opinion Essay


                 Poor Safety Management in the Campus 

     Have you ever seen any snake in a university's toilet before? There are many cases reported nowadays due to the findings of strange animals in the campus environment. The following paragraphs will elaborate on why safety problem can rise in the campus' surrounding, how to overcome this issue and who are getting involved in solving this problem.
     There are many causes of poor safety management in the campus. The main cause is lack of workers. For instance, the campus lack of security guard and cleaner. This issue raised based on the fact that many Malaysian are not interested in doing low profile jobs such as cleaner and security guard.
     In order to ensure that this problem not exist anymore in any campus, the solutions are to hire more workers and make an effective schedule. To get more workers, we ought to make something attractive for them. For example, to attract workers, an affordable salary must be given. The wage must be paid based on their experience and working hours. Apart from that, the job should be offered without taking matter their age as long as they are healthy and strong such as offer the job to a retired person. Meanwhile, for the schedule, they must be given a shift to ensure that they get enough rest.
     People who are responsible to settle this problem should give full commitment in order to make sure that the problem can be solved till the end. They must always look for an alternative to the problem. Example of people who are involved  are the campus officer and students. The students may give their opinion on how to finish up this problem. Furthermore, people involved in solving this problem should focus to solve it and not pointing the fingers to others.
     In conclusion, there are many causes of the poor safety management in the campus and people who involved in solving the problem should work hard to ensure that this matter no longer exists. Hoping that the poor safety management in campus will decrease from time to time and can be solved absolutely.